Stella – In from Manhattan to visit her best friend Ester! Known for her Therapy Dog talents at airports across the country.
Gilligan and Brinkley
Gilligan and Brinkley are Bentley and Winston’s favorite BFF! Havanese pups with the most happy and playful spirit! They like the Health Dog with Pumpkin, but their mom likes it even more and takes them to work with her!
Jet alias “Needy Dog”.
The name says it all!
Originally from Mexico, this girls bag of tricks is quite impressive. From high fives to low fives and even a “fist pump”, she speaks and spins and in general, learns most behaviors within three tries.
A 135lb Rhodesian Ridgeback. Bentley has taught him to whine and sigh loudly while lying on the floor in front of the Biscuit Jar!
Bentley and his nephew Winston
Winston likes the biscuits; however, Bentley is obsessed with them! Thus the name!!!